Download processing form

What to know before you fill out the forms below

Processing is based on incoming weight

- No minimums for roving

 -Each job can be processed separately.

- Please be sure to label each job clearly and securely ( I suggest a label on the inside and outside).

- Fiber should be well-skirted before getting dropped off. 

If skirting needs to be done, there will be a fee of $25/hr.

-Prices are subject to change without notice

-A 50% non-refundable deposit is expected upon receipt of fiber. 

-  KFF is not responsible for fiber lost or damaged fiber as part of normal processing. We reserve the right to reject any order and return or discard fiber at our discretion. We reserve the right to add up to 20% matching wool to facilitate processing if needed. The balance due must be paid in full before shipping. Any finished products not paid within 30 days become the property of KFF. Any paid finished products not picked up after 90 days become the property of KFF. 


To download forms click Here
Make sure each job has its own form and bags are all well labeled! 
To download  Fiber labels Click  Here